Not Another NuForce thread......

Ok, first I am not shill or related to, or affiliated with NuForce in any way...I just thought that we should have a thread to discuss the V2...

I just placed the Reference 9 SE "V2" in my system after living with the NuForce 9 SE for the past year and auditioning the Reference 9 V2 for the past 2 months...

I am putting out there for comment and debate that the Reference 9 SE V2 is one of the top 5 best amplifiers out there and currently available. (I personally think that it one of the top 3, but I am leaving room for argument)

Sitting in my room last night I was reminded of one of those transforming audio experiences. My first ones was couple of hours with the Sinus Faber Amati Homage pushed with a full compliment of the top of the line ML gear all with in a perfectly treated room....My experience with the Reference 9 SE V2 was like that...

Please comment if you are able on the V2 in general, what was your experience?? Are your thought of the Reference 9 SE V2 the same??
plato you were asking about p-9 preamp here is a link to a review of p-9 from
I am not sure what people are hearing, but I have A/Bed the Nuforce stuff to the Pass Labs stuff and there really is no comparison. The Nuforce stuff is just digital sounding to me and nothing like analog. Just my take. The Absolute Sound hit the nail on the head saying the digital stuff is just missing something, but it is a promising technology.
Arbuckle, which NewForce amp iteration have you compared with which Pass device?
Arbukle --

The point I originally wanted to make with this thread is that the state of "Class D" has changed with the NuForce V2.

I enjoyed my SEs for a year, but in all honestly, once I moved into my larger space - I could not help but hear the digital-ness of the amps and was getting pretty itchy.

With the V2, all is right in the world. Since putting the Ref SE V2 in the mix, I have be zipping home each night excited to hear what I can get out of it next. Since putting it in, I have spent well over $500 on new music and hour of time rediscovering the old again. In short, the promise has been fulfilled, IMO.

I have nothing left to do but start with room treatments.

I tried the Bel Canto Ref-1000's in my system, and found the same thing as Lngbruno below- my FM tuner went crazy, and the television was snowy on certain channels. Has anyone found these issues with Nuforce?

07-13-07: Lngbruno
So what about my question on the RFI and EMI concerns? Has this issue been fixed 100% in the V2? If so, I will give the amps another trial in my system. I just don't want to burn through some more time and money if this issue is still going to interfere with my turner.
Lngbruno (Threads | Answers)