Nottingham Space Deck and Space Arm question?

I have a Nottingham Analog Studios Space Deck with the Space Arm. At the pivot point, there is a set screw that the setup guide (as slim as it is) says "do not adjust." Well, I got this deck second or third hand and it has been adjusted....sooooo....does anyone have any info on just how the proper adjustment is achieved WITHOUT sending it to England???

Thanks, hope someone can help with this.
Contact HWDSound (Hollywood sound) in Florida. They should be able to answer your questions. 
Thanks, Joe.....I have contacted HWDSound and spoken with Marc, who is a very pleasant person and quite helpful. As for the adjustment of the pivot set screw he did not really have a definitive answer although he seemed to agree with my method of leaving it loose enough for unrestricted movement but not so loose that the stability is lost. As for the cueing/lift mechanism, I ordered and received a new one and while better, the thing still drops too fast in my estimation. I am waiting on a call from Marc to discuss this further. Again, thanks for your advice.

Rob, sorry I did not answer your question:  the set screw I am talking about is not those to which you make reference.  It is the solitary screw at the very top/center of the tonearm itself at the pivot point.
Ok, good luck. I know that if I just lower it quickly on my The drop is a little hard but if I lower the queuing lever slowly then the contact isn't really severe at all. Same with lifting. I noticed the same thing with my clearaudio concept. 
My advice is to get in contact directly with Nottingham Analogue. I had some serious issues with my Spacedeck and Penny Jones from NA gave me all the support needed - including shipping me some parts. 
Amazing people at Nottingham Analogue, taking care of customers. 
OK, thanks for the kind responses.....

I am just a bit confused at this point......everything I have researched tells me that this lift was made by Rega, and countless comparisons from images along with the maintenance info on VinylEngine confirms this as accurate.  When I contacted NAS, Penny Jones sent me a reply that contradicts all this:

"Hello Andreas
Thank you for your enquiry.
The lift/lower device will need replacing.
You must not use any grease / oil and there is no way to 'tighten' up the movement.
Sometimes heat / cold can effect these devices.
Please contact our distributor for the US, they should be able to help you.
Contact: Audio Encounter Solutions (aka Hollywood Sound, Florida).

I hope the above is of help to you.
With kind regards
Nottingham Analogue Studio"

So, where does this leave me?  Rega even spells out that there IS a grease:  "Re-grease using only Rega supplied lift-lower grease..."  More digging reveals that this is actually pure silicon oil 300K cst.  Maybe my old, original lift would indeed have been salvageable had I known this.....

After disassembling the new one, I guessed it, that sticky silicon stuff in the piston/cylinder.  While Rega directs one to "completely fill the groove in the piston," there was only a very, very tiny amount of it in the groove.  I carefully removed what was in the groove and applied it to the piston before re-assembling and the lift now drops somewhat slower, so that should be an indicator that there was too little applied from the manufacturer to begin with?

I am still waiting on the aforementioned return call from Hollywood Sounds, although they told me originally that they did not believe these could be fixed and that a new one was the only way to remedy the situation.  I would have been plenty happy to spring for a new one provided it worked correctly, but getting one that drops faster than it should kind of sours me on this "deal." I'm in hopes that a small amount of the  300K cst will be all that is required to get it to drop in the fashion one might expect, slowly and accurately.  Will keep everyone posted as I see this has been an issue for more than just myself.