Nude Turntable Project

I could not fit the whole story in this Forum so have had to add it to my System Page.
I am attempting to hear if a 'naked' DD turntable can sound as good as Raul claims.
Please click the link below to read the story.
I haven't been on this site for a while and just caught up with Halcro's brave changes. I admire your "out of the box" thinking, Halcro. I could never feel comfortable looking at the electronic guts hanging out of my TT.

My TT-101 is now seated on a "SolidSteel WS-5" brand wall shelf - which is bolted to a brick wall. This wall shelf is a heavy steel perimeter frame supporting an mdf shelf which is leveled by 4 spikes into the steel frame.

This excellent support - perfectly leveled (plus I did another adjustment to the height of the bearing thrust plate) has solved all of the start-up problems it was having. It starts immediately and runs at exact speed without hesitation at the push of a button - just as it should.

The turntable sits on that mdf shelf using it's original steel can resting on 3 perimeter brass heavy points and a 4th heavy point sitting dead center under the can. That 4th point is a drain for the can and is important even though the can is damped.

I have discussed at length how the can is a major problem and needs extensive damping. Mine is lined with bitumen damping sheets (about 1/4 - 1/3 of the venting holes remain open) and has a heavy rubber strap around the top where it mounts to the structure of the TT. Even though only a fraction of the ventilation holes remain in use there is no heat build up - the can stays cool to the touch after spinning for hours.

I believe that I have reached a stable point and will leave well enough alone. Ella Fitzgerald is scatting in agreement.
Aigenga wrote---"This excellent support - perfectly leveled (plus I did another adjustment to the height of the bearing thrust plate) has solved all of the start-up problems it was having. It starts immediately and runs at exact speed without hesitation at the push of a button - just as it should".

Is it possible to explain further how this is accomplished and also post some pictures to help a layman like me to fully understand what you have done.
Thanks Aigenga..........I knew the looks would not be to everyone's taste....and initially scared me somewhat :-0
But now I think the covered 'guts' look stodgy in comparison.
As Ecir said above.......I think it looks "wicked" :-)

I really admire the way you have supported your TT-101 on the wall-hung shelf....and its interesting to read about your use of the central 4th spike?
I remembered well your 'damping' of the outer metal casing and following your advice, I bought 2 bungy straps on Ebay and wrapped them around the outer casing....without however hearing any differences?
It was your reported improvements in damping the outer casing which encouraged me to remove it completely :-)
And the improvements have indeed been audible....but how much is due to the removal of the casing or the better supporting steel cradle or the decoupling of the deck from the cradle support....I don't really know?