I'm not salesman, just a senior audiophile and I have decided in recent months that I'll never go back to conventional AB
amps since its prehistoric technology going back 50 tears. The subject here is currently the worlds finest Class D amp in its price range and beyond, right behind Patrik Bostroms' massive Class D Marten M amplifier. I wouldn't waste my time with Brunos' Mola Mola Kaluga, since the Nuprime technology is newer and has moved further on. The Evolution One has technology that is a first in the industry. Ten years ago, the real problem with Class D amps and today as well, is that their transistor switching modulators operate at a frequency around 300khz which is to low causing feed back problems to the upper frequency's resulting in cold hard sound from the tweeter. Brunos' Kaluga switches at 500khz which is still not good enough, resulting in the Evoultion One being the only Class D amp in the world to switch modulate at 700khz. Also, the only Class D amp on the market with an input impedance of 1 million ohms. Phew! So the issue of working with different Preamps is redundant and completely irrelevant and will work perfectly with any Preamp on the market, tube or solid state. Their switching amps are custom designed in house and are patented. For those concerned about speaker 2 ohm impedance loads read the recent review in Totally Wired where the Monitor Audio Studio's were used and are 2 ohm loads and the amps ran cool. Also, legendary circuit engineer Demian Martin from Spectral has been an ongoing consultant for the company. 


You are a twat that can't take what you asked for with dignity, all I see now is a Nuprime shiller.
It is all puffery about class D.  The opening statement was sufficient to see a pure shill.

The hyperbole in the opening typically is that of a shill.

Class D has its place, but be real about what it truly is.
My behavior is only based on your silly perception that the SE-R1 is high end, which it is not. Why aren't you comparing it to other world Class D amps, which you won't is puzzling to me, all you are doing is focusing on the tech side and nothing else assuming their design results in state of the art sound. Have you read the remarkable review on the Totally Wired site? At the end of the review there is a link to many other Pro and Audiophile reviews that all have the same consensus that the Evolution One is the best Class D amp on the market.

     " The Evolution Ones' are giving us the best of sound quality attributed
to Class A or Tubes with fluidity, ease and open nature".....
                                                                           Totally Wired
With a statement like that Ihasaguy..its obvious your not an Audiophile
since you have no clue of the current advancements in Class D technology. I hear you save a lot of Radio Shack coupons and I just heard
their having a 50% off one day sale tomorrow on their " state of the art "
Receivers that would be perfect in your living room. Better get there early so you don't have to stand in line.
The opening statement was sufficient to see a pure shill.
The hyperbole in the opening typically is that of a shill.
👍 You saw it too, all too obvious, how many others saw it? He really needs to go to shilling school.

I hear you save a lot of Radio Shack coupons and I just heard
their having a 50% off one day sale tomorrow on their " state of the art "
Just perfect for you sunshine, you really got off on the wrong foot with this attempt at shilling for Nuprime, even tweak1 did a better job with his EVS thread.
If your going to bag something straight off the bat, you better have "some" technical knowledge of what your saying, you had zilch, nada, nothing.