NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
Wow. I've been waiting for an audio show to come up near me. It's about time!

I'm 5 hours away!

Vaccine passports and masks?

I guess I'll save my $3.40/gal gasoline for something more inline with a free society.
NY is one of the few states that pays more to the Federal Government than it takes in, which helps to allow people to live in their comfortable bubbles in less-populous states that suck money from the Government like a Hoover to even be viable.  So, maybe go a little easier on NYC eh?  Better yet, let’s just keep this to audio and avoid the politics altogether shall we?  Lord knows we get more than enough of that everywhere else we look and certainly don’t need it here.  Jeez. 
Unions serve an important role in many cases, especially when it comes to specified training for certain tasks as well as safety protocols. A recent mishap on a movie set is an example.