O.K., downloads, streaming and more....but I still like many of my CD and SACD disks

Yes I am old, but like many things, I would still rather have a 250 GTO Ferrari than most any newer.  So, what is this old f___ talking about?  I would like to buy what could be my last CD/SACD player...or worst case, just CD player.  What are some of the best sounding, not looking or able to wash my car, just play my current CD and SACD collection with superb sound quality/fidelity.  The other choice I could do is the best sounding Redbook player and keep my current one for the SACD disks I own.  All for as much under 2K as possible. 

Also the original Ford GT40 or (if you can get Mr. Hall to part with one) a Chaparral 2C or 2D.   Hey, is that asking for too much?  As a noted person used to say..."well excuuuuuuse me".

DAC all the way. CDPs are dying while DACs are flourishing.
Yes but new CD transports are also coming back, EG: as Cambridge Audio’s CXC among others.
Just try to by a used old flagship transport these days, they cost twice as much as they did 1 year ago.
There are many (smart ones) that kept their CD collections when they ventured into streaming/servers, only to go back to their CD collection.
"Some" of the ones I know that didn’t store them away and sold them all off, are now regretting it and giving up on being an audiophiles, and feeling regretful for it.

Cheers George
GeorgeHiFi the same with vinyl collections back in the 1990s over the promotion of a digital revolution about to take place which will make vinyl obsolete and worthless.
There were of course some that bought into that notion and I bought a great vinyl collections nearly for a penny a pound .
Even though my collection of CDs are ripped and backed up I have no plans getting rid of them.
Ive owned some fairly decent transports and dacs though I’ve never enjoyed the sound quality near as much as I enjoy what I’m hearing now along with the fabulous convenience of managing anything thing I want to listen too with a touch of a finger.

Each to your own what ever works best for you .
If used is a consideration, the Yamaha CD-S2100 would fit the bill for the functionality and qualities you list. Check out the reviews online.