Thank you to all who have responded. One of the reason I was considering the Khartago or Schmit Vidar is size. I posted another thread a month ago about replacing my current BAT VK-200 with a smaller and lighter amp. The BAT at 70lbs is heavy and awkward to move in a component rack either to clean or make the speaker connections. The Khartago weighs about 33 lbs. Its width and depth about the same as the BAT. However, the Vidar weighs approx.13 lbs and is more compact in size
This may seem like a downsizing of sound quality going from the BAT to the above amps, but I really like to reduce the sprawl of the system to be more accessible and streamlined. Don't get me wrong, the BAT and the CJ pre-amp work well together. The advice by Soix to wait until you decide on speakers is good and practical, but I have not found a "upgraded" replacement for the GET 7's
The other alternative is to go with a integrated amp, like a Conrad Johnson CA-150 or the more powerful CA-200 (the SE versions are $2000 more). Though, both models have received excellent reviews.