Heyraz, the Ortofon Kontrapunkt B is a low output moving coil cartridge, designed to work into a load impedance of 50 to 200 ohms, according to the listing for it at vinylengine.com. So a suitably chosen SUT would work fine with it.
Your Grado low output moving iron cartridge, on the other hand, wants to see a load impedance of 47K, so the low impedance that would be seen looking into the primary of a SUT would not be a proper load for it. The same would hold true for most low output moving magnet cartridges.
The Rega Exact is a moving magnet cartridge with a very high output (7.2mv according to the vinylengine.com listing). Therefore a SUT is obviously both unnecessary and unsuitable for use with it.
Best regards,
-- Al
Your Grado low output moving iron cartridge, on the other hand, wants to see a load impedance of 47K, so the low impedance that would be seen looking into the primary of a SUT would not be a proper load for it. The same would hold true for most low output moving magnet cartridges.
The Rega Exact is a moving magnet cartridge with a very high output (7.2mv according to the vinylengine.com listing). Therefore a SUT is obviously both unnecessary and unsuitable for use with it.
Best regards,
-- Al