Oh no , not another phono stage rec

Yes friends it is but with a twist .

I am seeking a phono stage with a warm presentation that will warm up , or come into its own , in a rather short time .
Let me explain . I am currently using the Music Hall MMF 5.1 turntable and their 2.2 model phono stage which is SS .
This 2.2 phono takes @ 7 hours to start to warm up or come into its own to sound decent . My tubed integrated amp takes about 30 minutes and by tubed CDP takes about 45 minutes to get to a nice listenable state . I do prefer tubed equipment for its sound and adjustability .
I live in paradise...central Florida , the lightening capital of the country ! Leaving my equipment plugged in is not an option and that is the twist !

So , a phono stage (tubed ?) that will produce good sound on the warm side of neutral and do it in a time frame commensurate with the other pieces , about 30-45 minutes .
I am using a MM cartridge and would like to keep the price under $1,500 , new or used . Does such an animal exist ?

Thank You

Its all a matter of what one choose to focus on, I choose these (quotation marks replaced with - as quotation marks seems to cut the post where the first one is placed. Below excerpts from the same review that you quote.

- in MM mode, the Liberty Audio B2B-1 delivered as advertised: It was extremely quiet, fast, and ultradynamic. It produced the blackest backdrops of any phono preamp surveyed here, from which sprang the widest dynamics.-

-the Liberty is your ticket to paradise without spending crazy money-

-That said, and without a minute's warm-up, the Liberty Audio B2B-1 ($1749) was clearly superior to and more authoritative than the PTE ($1595). Fitzgerald's voice was more focused, compact, and just plain believable, with cleaner sibilants and less electronica. Backgrounds were blacker, and images were projected out of that black in the way you'd expect from more expensive phono preamps. The horns sounded more natural, and the drum kit behind Fitzgerald had greater transparency and clarity, particularly the cymbals. The Liberty slowed time in ways that one usually expects from more expensive gear, and bass lines were deeper and tauter, improving the rhythmic drive.

-Made in America but inspired by the work of legendary Hungarian/Norewegian electronics engineer Erno Borbely, the Liberty Audio B2B-1 is one of the best-measuring phono preamplifiers I have encountered. Nice. Very nice-

One can read this review in its entirety Here

And there is another one Here

And yet another one Here

Good Listening

Nothing better than a dealer using the forums to sell product.

Yup, that's class.
Saki: I have the Liberty B2B and it is now my reference for a solid state MC stage (I haven't yet tried it on the MM setting but will do so this weekend). I have also had the EAR834p, Aesthetix Rhea, Krell KPE and (currently) Manley Chinook. Of those, I would say the Bellari most closely matches the sonic attributes of the EAR834p, with it's warmth and tube bloom. The Manley is more like a solid state sound, at least in my system.

The B2B is BY FAR the quietest phono stage I have ever owned and, with Lyra cartridges (Delos or Helikon) is a perfect match. I had a second Chinook and sold that in favor of this phono stage for the sound in my solid state system; the other Chinook I kept for a separate tube based system.

Judy: Peter is the manufacturer of the the B2B phono stage and, like Jonathan Carr at Lyra, is welcomed here. I recommend that all who are interested or are looking for a new phono stage at least try his phono stage in their system, as I did. It is a very fine piece of audio componentry and you just might find that, as I did, it is a keeper. Like I said, if you want an extremely quiet stage that has wonderful balance, warmth and resolution, this might be the ticket. No, I am not affiliated with PBN Audio. Just a satisfied customer. Read my review.

I've commented on this before but will again. The OP was asking for phono stage recommendations, It's is one of my jobs to create product awareness about the products I make so therefore I post in forums like these. Please note that I posted - try - not - buy - the Liberty B2B-1 then stated my affiliation, no accolades, no advertising etc. That is about as benign as it gets.

If the OP chooses he can then seek more information on the B2B-1, order one up and try it risk free, other than shipping, in his own system in his own environment and if it does not tickle his fancy send it back for a refund- how cool is that ?

However when a post like Doak's and your's show up, I have to rebut, plain and simple. As posted before Im extremely proud of the little B2B-1.

Good Listening

The Heed Quasar is nice sounding unit. I have it in my second system, and it's very enjoyable. I consider myself a tube guy also. Giant slayer for around a grand? Who knows, but it's worth a shot. Dale at Eugene was a pleasure to work with.