OK Audiogon, help me out please

I'm looking to upgrade my speakers from Monitor Audio Silver RX8 to either MA Gold 500 G6 or the Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII  G2. I've heard the MA's but haven't heard the SF's. Regular retail price for these are roughly $500.00 apart. Right now I can get the MA's on sale for $6300.00 vs $7500.00. Is there anyone on here who's heard both? If so, which do you prefer? Both dealers are roughly an hour from my house so it's not as easy as going around the block.


ATC SCM40 should be a nice fit for you. Get Sonus Faber Sonetto if you are more into decor than sound. They’ve never impressed me with their sound quality and sonic signature and they don’t have the bass for rock and blues. I strongly recommend you audition ATC before you buy anything. 

Very many excellent speakers in your price range...much preferred my Gato system without the Niagara 1000 ...

Most people would call "too bright in the mids" warmth.  But I digress - I have some RX8s and I don't find that at all -- as people above have said, try positioning and toe-in.  Tweeters act very differently depending on angle.  Yours might need to point closer to straight out. 

Jeffbia…..Bass NOT base…. As in bass guitar…. Maybe read an album cover sometime…. Ron Carter, Bass…. Victor Wooten, Bass….

Jeffbia…..Bass NOT base…. As in bass guitar…. Maybe read an album cover sometime…. Ron Carter, Bass…. Victor Wooten, Bass….