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For some reason I am drawn to this comment.
A very interesting experiment was done with the Hubble telescope: it was used to take a picture of the emptiest part of the emptiest region of space we could find. To our shock and amazement the image was chock full of galaxies, quasars, and supernovas. It would seem there is no such thing as empty space. Not if you look far enough and close enough anyway.
Okay. But then why is space black? If no matter where you look there is light, then why isn't it all lit up? When we look it is all lit up. When we don't, it isn't.
Einstein replied, "So, you're telling me the moon doesn't exist, until I look at it?"
For some reason I am drawn to this comment.
A very interesting experiment was done with the Hubble telescope: it was used to take a picture of the emptiest part of the emptiest region of space we could find. To our shock and amazement the image was chock full of galaxies, quasars, and supernovas. It would seem there is no such thing as empty space. Not if you look far enough and close enough anyway.
Okay. But then why is space black? If no matter where you look there is light, then why isn't it all lit up? When we look it is all lit up. When we don't, it isn't.