ok im opening pandoras box here.(treatment vs framed wall art)

So i am in a dedicated 2:1 room and am treating it for sound ,it is very bright. Although I enjoy having a selection of framed pictures on my wall they vibrate and ring.I see so many unreal setups in the forum with a ton of pics on the walls. How are you mellowing the room down with 15 glass framed pics on your wall? .I realize its a battle between form and function but ...
I sent a jpeg of a pic that a friend took to Acoustimac.  They made it into two 2x4' panels.  Very cool, and an original. 

Glass is way too bright. I prefer the short, thick, wave diminishing brushstrokes of French Impressionists. My Haitian paintings help, too, but Haiti is a poor country, and the painters conserve too much paint to really scramble the waveforms.

Tee Hee, but it is true.