Old Legendary tubes vs New Kids on the block Amperex/Siemens/Tele vs Psvane/TAD/Shugaung

Posting this on amps board, as pre tubes can make quite a dif on the amp ound. 
I just sent off all my oldstock tubes to a  guy who will sell them for me on ebay,,I am going all ~New kids on the block~ pre tubes. 
I am saying goodbye to my fav~ Amperex BB.s 
The only old stock i am keeping are the 2 tall bottle SQ Philips EC180's which will go in the AU section of the Defy,,i love the cool looking tall bottle of the EC180,'s, But i also bought some Psvane Au's , a sthey look quite impressive with taht double plate at the top,,,Will add some TAD AU's also on wish list, they also have thae cool looking double plate./high tech components.
I will roll the 3 labs, and see wich has the finer resolution/soundstage.
The 4 AX's will have to be the Shugaung, Maybe later on will add the TAD.
The cayin cd17 takes 4 6922's, for those I will go TAD, as they have the cool looking double plates. 
Which brings up this Q...will the old legends hold their top $ prices going forward, as folks begin cking out the new labs offerings, 
I've not heard any of the new, as yet, I have the AU's/AX's arriving later this week. Since i sent all my old stock au/ax's off, can't compare to these new labs. Only compare from what i reacll the Defy sounding like  with Old stock. 
However as you guys know i still have that cheap chinese clone which is crippling the Defy's performance. 
The cayin SC6 is still a ways off, so a  true compare could only be made at that time. 
The cayin has 4 AU's, will roll both TAD and Psvane T series AU's. , Psvane has a  new ax out called T series,,,I will buy both the Psvane and the TAD, see which comes out for high resolution of fq's. 
Have you guys heard any of these newer labs, vs the old legends. 
On the power tubes, I have EH KT90's and also chinese KT88's i bought cheap off ebay,,so will roll those  when the front tubes arrive. 
Will not rebias the amp,,it will be a  justa  shortb 10 minute testing.
If I like the 88's over the EH90's,,I will add the Psvane KT88 C version to wish list, The C version is the newer KT88 from Psvane called the Classic 88, the older version is called the hifi 88. 
I will post notes over the comming year as these tests will be ongoing during the year 2020. 
What say you about these new kids on the block?
FWIW I recently bought a pair of old Sylvania chrome dome 6SN7s on Ebay for $35 shipping included.  They were advertised as used.  Low power tubes seem to have a long life.  Stats that I don't understand were given, but enough to demo that they are closely matched.  Seller has great feedback.

They sound fabulous and a real bargain in my eyes.

As someone has already written, with Ebay it is easy to return, and if not as advertised postage will be provided.

Earlier I had sought advice from one of the "well established" providers mentioned above.  The pair of tubes (far more expensive)  did not sound good at all in my preamp and were returned.  Postage both ways was about $20.

So you never know.
The swiss seller proved to be a *gentleman anda  scholar*
He went far more than i wanted,,I told him his values are correct,,i misread  the values as tested by a  friend in Washington state.
Told him do not send any money as part refund,,what did he do,,,send $120 in spite of my request. I told him I will help his selling listings , and will buy any/all Tele/Siemens ax's from his ebay listings. 
This , only is the Tele's /Siemens prove their reputation. 
I have a  bunch of RCA/Tele/Siemens arriving this week.
NOS/strong Tele's sell for $50-$70 each. 
Next yr that price will be $70++
Siemens about the same.
Look for a   YT upload by sunday night. 
It is advisable to buy from sellers that give you specific test results with tester minimums also listed. 
Yes I perfer buying from test pics, with better than avg readings,,I love seeing the pointer as far as green as possible, but at times i buy when seller has written scores, super duper high = taking a  chance, worth the risk factor...
OK , APOLOGIES to all Audiogon menbers on my previous test opinions on the AX's...
I will explain, 
Received a   box of all srts of Siemens E288/6DJ8/7DJ8's, yeah really nice box of tubes, most with org boxes,,anyway,,as i was about to swap tubes in the cayin cd17,,I noted i had 
1 channel with the Philips, had a  pair of Tesla E88CC's, and the  other channelw ith the Sylvania+ RCA 12AX7's, with
1 Tesla and ONE Philips PCC88 = BIAS TESTING = all my previous test opinions are 
I think, not sure as i am reporting back with a  rushed preliminary testing,,that

~~~The Philips + Tesla had a  superior sound 
vs the dual Tesla, 
= The RCA/Sylvania had the ADVANTAGE of 1 superior <6922> the Philips PCC88, 1970's production, bought cheap off ebay.
Now here is the thing, the Philips AX's  with dual Philips sounded ~~~awefully good ~~if not spectacular = I will not post any more tests results for at least 2 weeks, as i assess all my tubes which are still rlling in from all parts of the globe,
= Need at least 4-5 weeks before i can make a
~~fair/Unbiased/accurate/solid~~ opinion on 
1) E80's
2) AX's
3) 6922's. 

+ I need to order Tele AU's to compare with Philips/Siemens E80CC's before i can make the judgement that
~~E80CC;'s blow away any/all AU's ever made~~~
So looks like more money on tubes and the Tele AU's , as you know go as much as Tele AX;'s,, which is unusual as Amperex/RCA AU's go cheap.
But I may also have to order 2 Siemens AU's to be fair on the wholeshebang in the E80CC vs every/all super high fidelity AU,..
This could extend into months.
Stay tuned,,I may posta  few NOTES,,but nothing likea  ~~solid, bullet proof opinion~~~
But this i can say,,The Philips Miniwatt AX's came ~~alive~~ with the philips PCC88's,,
I still have to test the 
3 Siemens 6922 variatiosn, E288 vs 6dj8 vs 7dj8's.
Purchased Tele AX;'s, more RCA's last night,,,+  I only worked through 3 shipments,,have 3 or 4 boxes sitting ,, not sure what's in them...
Its possible the Phiklips Miniwatt's  have more value than my previous BIASED testing has shown...
Thus the AX shootout, will now 
include the Philips
~~Philips Miniwatt vs Simens vs Tele vs RCA in several forms
I have no idea which will come out top, even or ,,all 4 too close to call = all high fidelity and thus each labs AX's will be slightly dif in each amps voicing. 
I love the Defy 7 for its ~~~puurity~~ which allows this AX/6922 testing to be as unbiased as possible. 
also i should confess at this point, i did OK, not great  ona  hearing exam   4 yrs ago, while working at a refinery doing scaffold work,,,~~highest registers = FAILED> 
Still this disability does not disqualify my testings. this work  is based on some 30 yrs audiophile. 
Stay tuned.