Omega single driver speakers

Has always been using speakers with multiple drivers and like sonic signature of Sonus Faber, Harbeth and etc, I started wondering whether I should try single driver, crossover-less speakers such as Omega CAM in my second system.
This is for chamber music, piano solo, and vocal (popular) in a medium sized room (16 x 40) with a low output tube amplifier. The speakers will be placed alongside the long wall, about 10-12 feet from my sitting position.

Any feedback on Omega, especially CAM? Thin or full sounding? Bass enough? High freq beaming or satisfactory? Warnings and recommendations (including other brands) are welcomed.
@fizz, although I haven’t heard them, Louis told me they are not a laid-back speaker. That’s why I didn’t give them a try. For classical, I want a presentation that puts me mid-way back in the concert hall.
They seem to be a forward sounding speaker with very good imaging. That’s all I can tell you.

This is what he recommended for classical...

This one for a large room with less complex music...

If you look thru my thread about Omega, you'll find that people love the speakers.

Fizz, I would recommend the High Output Alnico,omega speakers , very good speakers,Call Louis, I own the RS8 and the 3i, 
There are advantages and disadvantages to coincident speakers - basically locating your tweeter in the middle of your bass driver.  It certainly isn't a new idea - Tannoy did it and called it 'dual-concentric' many years ago (1940s).

The only way you are going to find out if they suit you is to try them out in your room against an alternative.
Not about Omega particularly, but I think single-driver speakers are more about what you don't get.  You don't get amplifier clipping, crossover distortion and time smear and stuff like that.  I think it's something you either appreciate or you don't.  I have a pair of Fritz 4.5" Fostex speakers that I think are just great for what they do.  But I also think they work best with low-powered tube amps, but that's me.  You should definitely try a pair and see if they have what you like.  My speakers now are too big to move around, but when I had my monitors, I used to switch them up with the Fritz every once and a while and it was really fun.  
I have a pair of omega super Alnico monitors and I absolutely love them. 

Maybe it’s the crossover less design that lets them flow effortlessly.  I added a sub and it is perfect. My Eml 45 mesh tubes sound spectacular. 

Even streaming tidal mqa from dcs bridge is incredible.