On board or outboard DAC?

I use an Ayre c-5xeMP universal disc player. My DAC is a Simaudio Moon 300D. The digital out on the player is AES/EBU while the DAC input is S/PDIF. My question is, would I see any benefit from using the 300D to convert to analog over the internal DAC on the Ayre. Obviously I would have to source a cable. I'm not sure it is worth the hassle. Can anyone share their thoughts? I use the balanced outputs from the 300D to my pre-amp.
seems easy enough to try and compare, both your Ayre and Simaudio are outstanding products...
I believe the interfaces are compatible, so all you need is a balanced to single-ended converter on the Ayre and a digital coax cable in order to send data to the Simaudio DAC. That being said, I also own a C-5xeMP and I haven't heard a DAC best it in terms of sound quality. If I ever listen to Ayre's new QX-5 Twenty, I may sing a different tune.
Just from the perspective of flexibility and adaptability I would opt for the outboard DAC.

That way I can...
- use the IC's I believe provide the best sonic performance
- use the best Power cables  I believe is best suited to the component
- change to another DAC as the technology improves

Inboard DACs may be constrained by "design decisions" that are based more on implementation costs than sonic performance - even in some high end gear unfortunately.
- Also, having the DAC share the power supply with a power hungry amp stage  may not be the best solution, sonically or operationally

Thanks for your comments Theo. I use an Oppo 103D for video and have tried it for 2-channel music as well. I always go back to the Ayre myself. That's why I thought I would seek responses prior to hunting up a cable. I really enjoy each piece of gear so as I already mentioned, I think I'll just stick with the configuration I have.