I intend to braid the wires which are unshielded - e.g., Kimber. The wires I'm using are 24 gauge Mundorf. I already have a Kimber connect from CD player to Preamp and do not have problems with RFI/EFI so I thought I might try this project which would replace the interconnect from pre to amp.
I tried this project before using 4 x 28 gauge Jupiter cotton insulated wires but found that the cotton insulation slipped down the wire when I was ready to solder to the RCAs. That, I figured wouldn't do as there was a good chance that uninsulated wires would touch! In that earlier arrangement I was going to use two wires each for the signal and return.
I tried this project before using 4 x 28 gauge Jupiter cotton insulated wires but found that the cotton insulation slipped down the wire when I was ready to solder to the RCAs. That, I figured wouldn't do as there was a good chance that uninsulated wires would touch! In that earlier arrangement I was going to use two wires each for the signal and return.