Opinions on Esoteric clocks ......

.....I have read the previous threads on these pieces, and would like to hear from people who have bought them as well as the ones who did not and why. I understand what it is doing - just wondering if the sonic improvements are worth the money.
I have a G-OS Rubidium clock and have had it about 1 1/2 yrs. When I turn mine off, it feels like I'm losing a bit of musicality and detail. As far as whether it is "worth it", it will obviously depend on the rest of your system and what you are trying to achieve. You might or might not hear a significant difference - the only way to tell is to demo one.

I am the second owner of mine, so it had already been "broken in" before I got it. Esoteric also supports their gear exceptionally well, which I have come to greatly appreciate. Good luck!
.....I currently own the Esoteric P-05, D-05 combo...so the clock would be used with them
Which clock? The Esoteric Rubidium clocks will have more of an effect than their lower-end clocks in a highly resolving system.