opinions please: CJ PV12L w/ a BAT VK200?

Hi all. First time poster and I come seeking your guidance. I have a Conrad Johnsob PV12L and Magnepan 12s. I need an amp and I have a line on a BAT VK200 for under $1,000. I would like to hear any thoughts, experiances, or other suggestions. Thanks in advance.
No negative effects Im aware of.Just a little work to get it setup correctly and small amounts of money to build it,YMMV,Bob
Negative effects? Well, let's just say that staying balanced has it's advantages.
I am not sure of the differences between the PV10b and the PV12L but I didn't like the 10B with my VK200. It was too dark and laid back for my tastes. If the 12 is more transparent then it would be a decent fit but of course this is my 2 cents. My speakers are Tyler Acoustics so I am not sure how they match up with the Maggies.
Update and thank you.
I was getting a bad vibe from the seller of the BAT. I did however find a CJ MF2100 here on GON. So I think the pair should do well. From what I understand the trio should work well. Now on to cables and source (till I go through this all again). Any additional comments are mst welcome.
thanks again
LOL...I have had lots of bad vibes from sellers here but life marches on :)

The MF series should be a good match. I would tend to get some cables that are relatively neutral sounding. Not sure of your budget?