Oppo-105 vs Oppo-93 + W4S DAC2 for stereo.


I am confused between the following choices. This requirement is for best sounding 2 channel stereo.

1. Oppo-93 + Wyred4Sound DAC2
2. Oppo-105 (with same DAC chip as W4S DAC2 + digital inputs)

I already have an Oppo-93. Would it be better for me to sell Oppo-93 and get a brand new Oppo-105 or keep the Oppo-93 and add a Wyred4Sound DAC2 to it. Any body anticipate any change in the transport between Oppo-105 and Oppo-93. I know that Oppo-93 and Oppo-95 uses the same transport.

I'll throw in my 2 cents about this. I've had a Modwright tube Oppo 83 for over a year and absolutely loved it. I recently tried adding a Nuforce DAC-9 and I was literally blown away by the improvement it made. I was using a toslink, so I was basically bypassing the internal Oppo Dac and bypassing the tube mods. I liked it soo much that I ended up purchasing a DAC-9.
Dear friends...would the 105 have a display when used as dac to read the details of bit rate etc?
Not to resurrect a lost thread, but I tried to use an Oppo 93 as a transport into my PS Audio PWDac, and didn't like it at all... it was quite a bit worse than my old Exemplar/Denon 2900 in that duty. I've actually been searching for a good transport ever since and am just using a Macmini in the interim. I've been looking into the 105s, but I would buy it to use the analog out, not as a source for the PWD.
Oppo 93 with Vanity93 board as a transport will amaze you !
A lot better than 93 alone as transport .