OPpo 205.... Awesome !!

Into my top odds line Sony 4k. Fabulous šŸ‘ŒĀ  Ā I'm sure others have my experience. Please confirmĀ  šŸ‘šŸ»Ā  Ā 


Have been using the Oppo BD-103 with my LG OLED with amazing results! Not one hiccup in either since purchased new.


Is your player hooker up to a Sony TV? Ā IF so, it causes a lot of unusual behavior, mine is occasionalĀ drop outs. Ā CalledĀ Oppo and they pointed toward the TV. Ā It causes problems due to it's switching input process.

I disconnect when not playing DVD/BR. Ā Otherwise I would sell the TV!

No TV is involved, however, I do have an 8" Eyoyo lcd monitor attached so I can navigate the DVD and BluRay disc menus.... I have no surround sound...stereo only.

When listening I almost always use the "Pure Audio" feature because (to me) the SQ is noticeably better.

The repeating problem is so inconsistent it's a real mystery.

The next time it occurs I'll eject the disc then play it again to see if the problem might be with that specific disc.

Thanks for weighing in!