Options besides a computer for streaming


I Have a older MacBook Pro that I have been streaming tidal with thru my Lampizator dac.

it sounds very good but lately my battery want hold a charge and sometimes it want play without trying several times.

 Basically it’s old and I was considering replacing it, but then was thinking since it’s dedicated just for music playback. Perhaps there’s a better choice for similar cost of a new MacBook?

any info appreciated especially from Lampizator owners.

thanks, Scott
Get a Allo Digione Player ....  $175 will sound as good, if not better than the 'high priced spread'... Get the Acrylic Case... Many software options for Free. Your choice of DAC.... Been running them for years.

I was using my laptop with windows 10 and jriver to stream.  I think the weak point is the computer because it is not a dedicated streaming device.  I bought a bluesound node 2i and the difference was immediately noticed.  Buying a streamer with only one purpose and operating software is the best way to go.  There are many great streamers and servers that will be much better than a multi-use computer. 
I have noticed a lower noise floor, and downloaded SqueezePad so I can use my iPad as a remote.

the Lampizator sounded so good before but now it’s even better.

thanks for all the reply’s