Ortofon 309 vs. SME 3012 for SPUs

I am hoping that people here can compare the vintage Ortofon 309 arms to the SME 3012s for use with G type SPUs.

My question is which vintage tonearm is the best complement to a top flight G type SPU? There are a few versions of the RMG 309 tonearm and also SME 3012s (Series I vs. Series II). It seems that the SME 3012 Series I fetches the highest price. I would like to match one with an AE90 or Silver Meister GM MKII SPU.

Hi Dover,

Yes, the Tron Seven I have is the Ultimate version with silver wiring and silver transformers. It has 68db of gain on the MC input. With my Windfeld cartridge (0.3MV output) and SET amps my listening level is between 8:30 and 9 o'clock. Past 9'oclock produces eviction-notice sound levels :) The preamp is absolutely silent at any volume level I have tried.

I'm still thinking that the Silver Meister GM MKII might be a great choice for me given that I love the sound of the Windfeld. Does anyone know what the differences are between the older Silver Meister and the new MKII version?
Dover, you are possibly right, most tube phonostages I have heard uses an SUT inside for the first level of amplification. You possibly mean a full tube amplifier phonostage without any SUT, can you please suggest examples that you think are worth considering ?

Most SS phonostages I have heard, even the good ones sound nice but with a good SUT, gain a certain grace in the sonics.
Pani - there are not a lot of tube preamps that can amplify MC's with all tubes in the phono. The Marantz has seen off my old Jadis, Manley Ref, Klyne ( all owned ) and quite a few others.
The Conrad Johnson TEA2SE is ok for about 0.4mv up, no trannies.
CAT preamps are quite good. Heard one recently sounding very good with Micro Seiki 5000/Graham Phantom/Benz.
Some of the early VTL's had all tube MC capability, but the output impedances from the line stage really only suit tube power amps.
Wavelength Audio phono - this would be my choice.
TW Acustic Raven does a very high gain full tube based phono on the Thoress preamp.
you should try to find a japanese only 500-limited edition of SPU "spirit". it ain't silver wired but a rumour among Japanese audiophiles is it has the best price/performance ratio compared to any SPU. it ain't exactly a silver meister but it cost 40% less while performing significantly better than classic (for 20% more), especially on modern production.
I use a 309D arm, so I figure it deserves at least one SPU in it's life. Can any users commented on the advantages, disadvantages of the bodied verses N versions of the cartridge. The latter are quite a bit cheaper. Thanks