Otl's with AvantGarde Duos?

I am driving my Duos with Wavelength's Venus. Not entirely satisfied ( to lean?) i am considering going for more power (15-30watts). Would like to have some feedback with OTLs & the AvantGarde.

Thanks for your response; glad to hear you're still enjoying your system.  I was wondering if you think you need the 60 Watts from the M-60, or if 30 Watts out of an Atmasphere S-30 give the same performance?  Any thoughts on how hard you're pushing the amp?
Alan, you could answer that easily enough by removing half of the power tubes in the amps. That would simulate the S-30 to a great degree. Its been too many years since I heard the combination myself, but IIRC the S-30 does fine on the Duo.
@ Ralph     It was Wyshak asking the question about the S30. To answer your question from my perspective, Wyshak, the S30 could easily power the Duos no problem. I would still opt for the M60s regardless, tho, because I prefer their lower output impedance. Everything's just a wee bit tighter and more controlled this way. FWIW, I did experiment with pulling half the power tubes from the M60s and feeding the Duos that way but ended up ditching that configuration and going back to the full complement. The improvement was marginal but worthwhile in my estimation.