Ownership and Review of a pair of Ohm Super Sound Cylinder

Greetings all - I recently ordered a pair of Ohm Super Sound Cylinder speakers, or SSC-4900's. They are in the middle of the Ohm Walsh lineup, and are about 38 inches tall and the cylinder cabinets about 12.5 inches in diameter.

Specs are listed at 88 dB for a 2.8 V input, and a response curve of +/- 3 dB from 25 to 20,000 Hz. 

This whole process is part of a "high end, high value, USA made two channel system" thread I started a couple of months ago on another forum. The electronics are the PS Audio Stellar Gain Pre-amp/DAC and a pair of PS Audio M700 mono amps.

The PS Audio equipment has already elevated the Axiom M100's and Martin Logan Electro Motion ESL speakers in terms of performance. The Axioms have a "twin" available in Brick and Mortar outlets from Bryston called the A1's. 

For reference, other speakers which we have or still have in house include: Klipsch LaScala II's, Legacy Signature SE's, Infinity IRS Sigmas, Ascend Sierras, PSB Strata Goldi, VMPS Super Towers and a host of other speakers. 

The Ohm Walsh speakers have been something about which I have read since 1977 (the year I got the audio bug), but have never had the chance to experience. The SSC-4900's sell for $4900 per pair, though the name and pricing are coincidental. The "4900" is due to the idea that the speakers are "almost a 5000", but with less controls - one switch vs. 4 for the 5000, but also a lower price.

John Strohbeen, who is he president at Ohm and who has been with them for almost 40 years, was gracious enough to spend an hour talking on the phone about our room, the associated gear, and also that there would be a review thread. It was after this discussion that we decided on the SSC-4900's. 

I am purchasing the speakers, not getting a review pair. They are under the 120 day return policy. John is well aware that my daughter sings opera, my son is adept at classical guitar, and that live music is the reference. He was actually quite pleased about this. 

This will be fun (at least for me), and hopefully informative. Comments are welcome. 

I honestly have no idea what to expect from the Walsh sound. They are so different from other speaker designs that the only thing to do is set them up properly and hear what happens! 
@audionoobie - Sounds like a plan.  Don't expect a pair Dale Harder speakers for the price of a pair of 1000s, though.  John is a very smart, modest guy.  I met him at an audio show in New York.  Nothing beats the long in-home trial Ohm offers.  You have the same added advantage that I did - if you want to return them, you can throw them in your car and drive them to Brooklyn; no return shipping costs.  But I kept mine.  ALthough, I do have a friend that heard my 2000s, ordered a pair of 1000s, but ended up returning them.  I bet he didn't have them positioned right or something.
Any updated pictures posted anywhere?  Would love to see them close up, veneer etc!

dep14 - over the weekend, I cleaned out the area behind the speakers, so they now have a "clean" live end. Bass is now extending deeper without the "bass dampener" effect of the idle subwoofers. 

We will get some good pics posted this week - my wife is a very good amateur photographer with a proper Canon something camera that cost me about $4000.
@craigsub - it's funny you mentioned that moving the subwoofers helped.  I did the same in my room recently and moved my sub from next to my left speaker to the rear of the room. I noticed a clear different in my speakers response (for the better).  I don't use a subwoofer with 2 channel with my current speakers, and really was amazed at the difference of getting the subwoofer away from them when it wasn't running. (side benefit, it helped my theater also, rear seems to be a better location in my room).
Hi Folks,

I just caught up on this thread.  Thanks for all the comments.

Cone material:  I don't care what the material is -- just how it works for our requirement.  Yes, we have used and still use a variety of materials from paper to polypropylene to metals.  Each has to be used differently.

Capacitors:  I hope that people spending many dollars and many months choosing the best component enjoy themselves.  The changes made in developing speakers are quite audible. How big a change is critical? At Ohm, we invest our time and money researching changes that are bigger than just moving the speakers a foot.  Changing the value of a component can often make that big a change, but changing brand with matching specifications has not. -- unless the judge knows which is which while comparing.  Then, the placebo effect of expensive parts is very powerful.

Paper tubes vs. Birch plywood:  Tubes are stronger, lighter and generally better than flat birch plywood cabinets. We offer both. We sell the Walsh 4000 using birch plywood for $5600/pair and iy has no controls.  This is $700 more than the SSC4900 which has a room size control. The big difference is looks -- not sound. Listeners should enjoy the looks of their speakers as they will be living with them for some time.

With Ohm Walshs, you do hear the music -- not the speakers.

Good Listening!
John Strohbeen
Ohm Acoustics Corp.