@digsmithd - agreed - The Sonaquest IEC’s provide the best "clamping" of any IEC connector I have tried - their contacts are noteceably thicker than other brands and I often insert them into a spare socket to loosen them up a little before inserting into components.
Sonarquest contacts (mains and IEC) are very well engineered (i.e. very flat) and their silver plated copper seems to provide the best energy transfer of any plug I have tried and they have a subtantial thickness of plating, making the number of insertions before the silver wears off very high. They also have very strong screws that allows for very tight clamping of the wires
- Note: all of my silver plated copper connectors have yet to wear through to the copper,
- due to the frequent prototyping of my cables, the number of insertions a plug is subject too is significantly higher than most people will experience with normal use
- NOTE: I do use hosital grade MRI outlets everywhere throughout my, which may also provide better wear.
Another good silver plated copper conncetor is from Vanguard, but the plating is not quite as robust, the contacts are not as flat and the IEC’s do not clamp as tightly. But if you are on a budget I would highly recommend them - they are not far behind the Sonarquest from an overall performance persective
Regards - Steve