PAD speaker cable differences

Ok have narrowed it down to Proteus Provectus vs Canorus has anyone compared the two and can tell me their thoughts?
Thanks Nsgarch,
So can you discribe what type of system each cable is "best" for? My problem will be I'm looking to go the route of SET's shortly and thus change speakers as well.
Do not buy either of them until you have your new system in place and get accustomed to the new components. You will be introducing too many new variables into the mix and will not know what part each is contributing to the sound. Use the cables you are currently familiar with and introduce each new component separately so you can gauge what each one brings to the overall sound. Only then should you use the cables as a way of adding or manipulating the sound in any way. Once you have a feel for what you are looking for after breaking in your newer stuff you should ask again for our recommendations. You are building a system not throwing together a bunch of parts like Frankenstein.
"if one is right for your system, then the other isn't". Wrong. Not necessarily. Both can be right, but you may still prefer one to the other.
Some think that Proteus is the most "neutral" Purist cable. Also, as far as I know, this is the first single crystal solid copper design from Purist. And,I think, you should add Dominus to your list.
In addition, since we are talking big money, I suggest you try other brands too; Stealth comes to mind.
I had recently received suggestion from a well respected SET manufacture to try Continuous Crystal type cabling for my SET system.
Rsf: First, I doubly agree with everything Tom said. You need to WAIT; or were you planning to buy cables first and then build a system around them? ;--) And although I'm sure you think I'm being sarcastic (about building a system around the cables) that's not entirely true. Some may disagree, but I've long maintained that the primary sonic presentation of a system is a result of the combination of amp + speakers + speaker cable. Other equipment choices may add or subtract from that basic sonic presentation, but can never really change it into something else.

And yes, there is a technique for pursuing this strategy. (In your case, you've already 'un-chosen' a huge percentage of possible loudspeakers because most SET amps will perform best with high(er) efficiency speakers ;--) First, listen to several speakers in each category. You can probably skip electrostats, acoustic suspension, planar magnetics (Maggies), or any speakers which are not really at their best with low power amps. Sure, it CAN be done, but for now, why go chasing the exceptions just to prove the rule?

You'll probably take a liking to to a short list of speakers first. Compare them using the same low powered SS amp (like a Bryston 2B for instance) and some (minimum 16 gauge) generic "speaker wire" from Home Depot or Radio Shack (you know, the stuff that looks like copper lampcord in a clear jacket.) Why? because while not a SET (which in the end you will like better ;--) or 'single crystal copper', this kind of amp + cable combo will behave pretty much the same with all speakers (not the best, the SAME!) allowing you to understand your own preferences quickly and clearly.

Once you are down to two or three (at most!) speaker candidates (and keeping the same SS amp for the time being) try a few different cable types. Single solid core, like a couple of the Purist models, Anti-Cables, or the now out of business Virtual Dynamics). Then, except for use with electrostats (because of their intrinsically high capacitance) try multi-stranded cable -- too many types/qualities to mention -- but notably Cardas, most Purist, MIT, and so on. Keep your three or four favorite cables (this is where the Cable Company comes in handy) so you can proceed with amplifier choices.

Tube amps' performance (even the really expensive ones) is maddeningly dependent on the speakers+cables with which the are combined -- SET's more so. At this point, you might want to take a poll (of owners of the speakers you're considering,) to see if you can find a consensus regarding tube amp/speaker compatibility; and sometimes, if you're lucky, one will just pop out at you. One reason for this is because while almost all SS amps "see" a load (cable+crossover+drivers) the same way, tube amps do not!

So screw the barrage of recommendations threads like this inevitably generate. You need to LEARN to fish, if you know what I mean? ;~)