PAD Venustas

Hi, I never had the chance to listen to it.
anyone out there who uses it - or made comparisons - and can give a small description of it?
Is is smooth sounding?
I currently own Venustas interconnect between my preamp and amp. Also, my tonearm and phono stage. Opis between my cd and pre. Dominus speaker cables and AC cords.

The Venustas trashed my previous Transparent Ref w/XL. 1/2 the price too (list). Litterally, better everwhere. Ditto the Cardas Golden Reference. On the speaker cords, also replaced Trans Ref w xl. Power cords that got quickly replaces were FIM Gold and 2 Kimber Palladian PK10's. I have heard the Aqueous as well as own the Opis. All 3 of these cables are close. Seems like a lot of us mix and mix a little. Differences are subtle, but they are there and can really complete a system with just a little matching.

Bottom line, try the venustas. It's a steal right now used. One set will likley hook you on the Purist line up.

Opis or Aquaquesous should be tried at some point as well...
I have only heard the Venustas IC, but I fully agree with Boa2 comments. They are spot on.
I bought new the 'Venustas'xlr ic's, and 'Dominus with Ferox' power cords.Thinking they would be my last cable changes.
Has all been replaced by "Nirvana S-X".Much better in all aspects and in whatever adjectives you use to compare and describe.And yes there will be no more changes.
I've had the Cardas Golden Ref.,Golden Cross lineup and Audience AU24 line up as well and with a little 'VD' NiteII thrown in for good measuring.
This is in my system,with my ears,and processor.
Good luck.Hope you find an easier way to get the sound you desire.
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For a short time I had the Aqueous along with HT Magic woofer/tweeter Speaker cables on trial from the cable Company.
However, during that time the HT cables with there large spades, shorted my Amp out and I had to cut the audtion short.
I do remember that they were not quite up to what I was used to. (Ridgestreet Audio). But now I wonder if I gave them really a fair audtion.
I have read that the Veustus sort of dulls the frequency extrems, accenting the midrange compared to the Aqueous.
But, other posts say the Venustus improves the bass region.