Guys Persona dealer, let me explain the program, first it is not a mandatory program the dealer may or may not want to offer this program.
Two the dealer will not go above the 20% as the dealer is not getting 20% off from Paradigm, we actually make less money with these programs the deal does work to bring in new clients which helps offset the program.
We have very different opinions on the Anthem STR integrated vs Contuzzi, we have the STR integrated and the STR amp and preamp in the same room.
The STR intergrated is very good, but it is not as warm and full bodied as the separates which totally outperform the integrated amplifier.
In our tests the Anthem STR is outclassed by the Micromega and the Naim gear, if you like a clean punchy sound without a lot of additional midrange warmth the STR is your amplifier if you prefer more warmth and body then the other pieces are better. The STR is fantastic value and we are not talking about the effects of room correction which may push the STR integrated into a different catagory just sound of one vs another under identical conditions.
We will agree that the Anthem STR amp and Preamp are a fantatic value.
We will be testing the STR power amp vs the Coda and the Krell more extensively in the weeks ahead.
Our initial impressions are the Krell power amplifier is more magical but less powerful same with the Coda, the Anthem power amplifier is a little flat sounding, but excells in terms of punch and it is quite smooth.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Krell, Anthem, Coda and Paradigm Dealers
Two the dealer will not go above the 20% as the dealer is not getting 20% off from Paradigm, we actually make less money with these programs the deal does work to bring in new clients which helps offset the program.
We have very different opinions on the Anthem STR integrated vs Contuzzi, we have the STR integrated and the STR amp and preamp in the same room.
The STR intergrated is very good, but it is not as warm and full bodied as the separates which totally outperform the integrated amplifier.
In our tests the Anthem STR is outclassed by the Micromega and the Naim gear, if you like a clean punchy sound without a lot of additional midrange warmth the STR is your amplifier if you prefer more warmth and body then the other pieces are better. The STR is fantastic value and we are not talking about the effects of room correction which may push the STR integrated into a different catagory just sound of one vs another under identical conditions.
We will agree that the Anthem STR amp and Preamp are a fantatic value.
We will be testing the STR power amp vs the Coda and the Krell more extensively in the weeks ahead.
Our initial impressions are the Krell power amplifier is more magical but less powerful same with the Coda, the Anthem power amplifier is a little flat sounding, but excells in terms of punch and it is quite smooth.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Krell, Anthem, Coda and Paradigm Dealers