Paradigm persona vs. Monitor audio Platinum

Just listen to the paradigm persona 7h.the monitor audio Platinum 300 generation two are so much more three-dimensional and open it's not even funny the paradigm sounded very two-dimensional compared to the monitors that MPD Tweeter puts the beryllium Tweeter to shame.
Also the reviewer at 10 audio had a few other dacs they're including a bricasti and he said the wyred4sound was still better.
I have no idea about the tweeters. But I heard one of the persona's at the last RMAF.  And I heard an extremely good sounding speaker even under show condition's.
Urbie, the reviewer at 10 Audio has very few known reference components that one would normally compare any component to, his opinions are interesting but no more valid than any other reviewer.

His rating of components is based on what sounds good in his setup, and sometimes, a particular components or loudspeaker may require you to change certain items in order to make that particular component shine with the rest of the components 

If you understand the industry, and have experience there are two types of loudspeakers. 

Many people in the industry refer to an easy to get a particular loudspeaker which sounds good in many setups a drop and plop, kind of loudspeaker.

Loudspeakers which tend to sound "musical" Vandersteen, Harbeth, Verity Audio, many Sonus Fabers, Vienna Acoustics, these speakers tend not to have the ultimate resolution but are always enjoyable.


The very high resolution camp are way more critical of setup in order to get the speakers to sound magical, Radiho, Persona, Rockport, etc.

One could argue that you shouldn't have to work hard to create great sound, however, the same argument can be made with any truly cutting edge product that doesn't hold back.

If you are driving a Porsche 911 Turbo you better make sure if you are driving the car at the track with very high octane gas and your tires are properly inflated and balanced, at 60 mph you wouldn't notice, at 160 mph any difference in inflation, or balance or lack of correct octane and you will not be driving the car without having a  very different experience.

The Personas are quite magnificent when they are setup correctly when they are not they are as you describe. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Persona dealers

Hi, I have the monitor audio Series 1 two pl300s, a pl350 and two pl100s in a 5.1 system with mcintosh mc300 monoblocks and  mc 250 for the rear channels and using mit s19 speaker cables and interconnects.  Should I switch out the speaker cable to occ?  I have a 21 ft and 22 ft rear channels and about 5ft and 8 ft for front channels.  What occ speaker cables would greatly enhance my sound or another speaker wire would be better?