Paradigm S4 Quicksilver amplification

I recently inherited a pair of Quicksilver mono blocks and on the advice of a respected dealer picked up a new pair of Paradigm S4's. Unfortunately it is clear that it was poor advice as the speakers sound like they have a towel draped in front. I would like to use the Quicksilvers for sentimental reasons and am thinking of using them for the higher end in concert with a matched amp for the base drivers. Is this practical? If so, any suggestions on which amps I could pair the Quicksilvers with? Many thanks
Quicksilver mono blocks (valved), approx 15ys old with a new Vincent hybrid SA-T1 pre-amp.
Just my opinion, but I had the Paradigm S6 v.2 and I could not stand how the mid range sounded. It was so closed in and unmusical. I then tried the Klipsch LaScala and was amazed at the huge change. Now I have the Volti Audio Vittoras. Simply amazing and ultimately satisfying. I have been told by others that their opinions of the S6 was that they were grainy. Don't blame it on the Quicksilvers, they are a wonderful company.