Paradigm vs. Boston Acoutics

I am considering a Paradigm Studio 80 or Boston Acoustics VR-M 80

Another option is Paradigm Monitor 11 or Bostom Acoustics VR975

Which system is better and which brand of speaker is better? Your expert opinions please.
Thanks for your advice… it sounds really interesting and gave me a total new perspective. I was almost sold on the Paradigm Studio 80’s before I read your post. Just to give you a better idea of my situation:

1) I am building a new system from scratch so everything will be new.
2) The room size is approximately 18 ft x 9 ft. with good soundproofing
3) HT and music usage is 70:30
4) Music preference - jazz, classical, pop (not too much into rock and heavy stuff)
5) I live in the Philippines so the not so popular brands might be difficult to find here.

Now on to my ideal system:
1) Main Speakers – Paradigm Studio 80’s or Monitor 11 or Boston Acoustics VR-M or VR965
2) Center Speakers – Paradigm Studio CC or Boston VR 920
3) Surround – Paradigm Studio ADP or Boston VR 940 or VRMX
4) Subwoofer – Paradigm Servo 15 or Boston VR M-50
5) Receiver/Pre-amp – Denon 4802R or Rotel RSP 1066 (if I get the Denon I might try to save up first and get a better amp later)
6) Amp – Rotel RMB 1075

I am just a neo-audiophile so I am still learning but I hope that I can get a fairly okay system at around $7500 for the speakers, amp and pre. I do know that it is important that the speakers, pre and amps match. Does my system match?

Any suggestions???
Advice to a neo-audiophile: expand your search. There are hundreds of brands of speakers out there, don't leave these 2 companies as the only ones visible down the tunnel. Open the phonebook, find every audio dealer within an hour or 2 drive and spend the next few weekends figuring out what sounds best to your ears.
Paradigm. No question.

I have heard both and I must say the Paradigms are a better theater speaker and a MUCH better music speaker. I auditioned many speakers in this price range and ended up with the Studio 60's. If I were you I would consider getting the 60's as well. Since you are getting a subwoofer chances are you won't need the extra 5hz that the 80's offer. I use 60's in a room about 28x15 and absolutely love the soundstage.
You can also save some cash by getting the PW2200 sub. The Servo 15 is a top rated sub but I don't feel it is $500 better than the PW2200 (in fact, I don't feel it is $300 better).

In the end, audition both and get what you feel sounds better. Sound is 99% personal preference.

If it has to be one of these two companies, I second Paradigm as the clear winner. A friend of mine has some Bostons that cost a few hundred that sound really bad. As a matter of fact, I am convincing him to get some Studio 40s instead. The Paradigm Studio speakers are absolutely fantastic to my ears, even when compared to speakers twice (or more) their price. The 80s and 100.2s are the most remarkable. Good luck - Arthur
The only reason I didn't get 40's is because the price of speaker stands would push the price to the point where I might as well get floorstanders. That coupled with the fact that I have 6 cats who like to jump on furniture (ie: speakers) which dictates heavy speakers.