Parasound Halo JC-1 for Thiel CS 5i


I have a set of Thiel CS5i's that I am running with a W4S ST1000 amp.

Would Parasound Halo JC-1 mono amps be an improvement? Why?




Yes I know, that was a tongue in cheek question mark, with eyebrows raised.

Let’s just say I like Class D for >4ohm bass/sub duty)

Cheers George

I used to own a pair of JC1s, and still regret selling them. They were a very complete amp and could drive almost anything. But I got sucked into the typical "upgrade" carousel and let go of them for a song. I don't need nearly that much power with my current speakers, but if I did, I'd snag another pair in a heartbeat.

Ok...I borrowed a Mark Levinson 433 from my dealer who had let me try the Parasound A21.

The ML 433 is very good - better texture to the bass and more refined treble compared to the W4S ST1000. And was able to play at high volume without clipping like the A21.

My question is now why would the A21 clip and the ML 433 would not given the same speakers and set up? Is this due to the power transformers and capacitance of the amps?

One day I may actually know something about this stuff!


A point I failed to make in my earlier post is that I am now understanding that I do not need to have a 500 watt amp to power the Thiels so this opens up a host of choices, I think.

But how do I go about eliminating those where the specs would indicate that they are probably not a good match?

Lugging 100 pound plus amps to my home is not fun. The dealer has used Krell and Pass amps that I could try.....

Excellent thread guys. I scored my pair of Thiel CS 2.4SE this week.
Now the fun part of picking/choosing the associated gear for them!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!