Parasound JC 1 or Musical Fidelity KW 550?

Which Amp will be the best for my B&W N802s?
Current System;
Mccormack cd transport,Bel canto dac3,Sonic Frontier Line2,
or Pass Labs X1,Straightwire crecendos and serenade ICs,Serenade speaker wire. thank you
I've owned the JC 1's and Pass X 350. I liked the JC 1's better. The JC 1's do take a very long time to break in and don't sound good until they do. They're a bargain for the sound that you get. Better still is the Gryphon Encore but it's about $8500.00 used.


I have a Musical Fidelity A308cr paired with my Dynaudio S3.4 and it's excellent, very neutral. I'm not sure if this carries along to Marantz's separate amplifiers, but when using internal amplification, I found my Marantz receiver to tone down the highs a bit. I actually preferred it over my old Rotel when I had B&W 602s.

I agree with Frankg .. I have JC1s too and they really take long time to break in .. but when done they really sing magical even on my power hungry Thiel 2.4
They mate very well with my Pass Labs X1 preamp too

My cent!
My experience with JC 1 in my system they did not bring the
music to life, compare to the Viva 300B tube amp with the
550K connected.If you will use the right pc with the 550k
they are hard to beat,I use dcca and cpc model 11.I also believe the the Thiel speakers will match the JC1.Dont get
me wrong the JC 1 are good,but not in my system.