Parsound ZDAC kind of blowing my mind...

I was offered a nice deal, so I took a chance on this DAC, thinking it might be a good stop gap while saving up funds for something better. It replaced a Behringer DEQ2496 I had connected to my Mac Mini. (In my system, the Behringer sounded BAD, exhibiting all of the worst characteristics of digital sound). My files are AIFFs stored on an external drive, and I'm running Audirvana Free on the computer. Before going the computer-based route, I had a Sony 5400 that I really liked (I sold it to finance the computer and an iPad).

Anyway, it's only been a week or so, but I have to say I truly was not expecting the ZDAC to sound so good. I don't want to get all caught up in the typical audiophile subjective terminology, but this thing has dynamics, is clean and clear on top, full on the bottom, and truly allows me to just relax and settle into the music. And yes, I am hearing parts and details on (very) familiar recordings I never noticed before.

I am a bit intrigued to hear how a "high end" DAC might sound in comparison, but, honestly, as good as my system sounds now, I intend to live with this DAC for a long time. Nicely done, Parasound.

12-18-13: Tonykay
Musical Fidelity puts out several models in the M1 line. The power amp and network player are around $500 but I believe the DAC goes for a bit more. Audio Advisor is a good discounter of high-end gear but even they don't discount 75%, unless its a manufacturer close-out. Be sure to read the fine print!
Tonykay (Answers | This Thread)
did you go to the sites and look ? I do not understand what you are saying . It is 75% off. It is on close out . But they do offer 30 day money back guarantee. The original MSRP was $1999.00 . Musical Fidelity M1 Dac MSRP is $799.00
Music Direct Musical Fidelity M1 clic
Wow, I hooked up the Musical Fidelity M1 clic . Its sounds pretty darn good . I have only tried the Usb front , optical in on the back from my Sony CDP-M555ES. I think it is a little better than its DAC. The internet Radio is Very cool . I think that it is worth the $499.00 price .I have a V-linkMk2 and usb a-b cable but have not yet purchased the PC . I was planning on trying jRivermedia and run the PC in on the Otical input . So far I am very happy.
I was considering the Parasound Zdac before i purchased this .
The M1 also was on my short list, but I got a great deal on the ZDAC, so I went for it. I hope you enjoy your new toy. It really is amazing what can be accomplished sound-wise these days for not a whole lot of money.

I visited the Audio Advisor website and did find the Musical Fidelity M1CLic for $499, as you said. Audio Advisor claims that it is 75% off but other sites show an MSRP of $799. I don't know if that is the lowered price or if the M1CLic model is not the same as the M1DAC, and certainly different than the M1SDAC that has an MSRP of $1999. Very confusing! It bothers me when manufacturers play games with model numbers by adding a letter or changing a digit. Makes choices difficult.