David, all i can tell you is that if you think 200 wpc is overkill with reasonably efficient speakers for doing "metal" volume levels, you better never come to my house for a "jam session". Just "shows to go ya" that everybody has different ideas about what is loud, quiet, smooth, bright, warm, dark, clean, etc... Keep in mind that a power rating means nothing if the speakers are reactive at all. Some amps, even though rated for "brute strength" in terms of rms power, just don't deal well with anything but an easy load. The Bryston 4B that i had was like that along with a few other "respectable" amps. Gutless wonders when it came to low impedance / low sensitivity loads. While none of Nelson's amps fall into that category (in my opinion & experience), they are by no means "earth shaking" by any stretch of the imagination. Sean