Pass amps: newer xa30.8 or older xa60.5 ?

I'm always intrigued by choices we have as consumers when companies introduce new models after a successful run of a popular lineup.

In this case we have the choice in the used market between the newer .8 series stereo model going for about the same price pre-owned as a used monoblock set of the highly regarded xa60.5.

Which would you choose?
I currently have a pair of Pass 160.8 monos for demo from Reno HiFi. I bought a Pass Xono from Reno in '07 (great deal and great phono). Back to 160.8s; Today is the start of day (10) Everyday they have gotten better!! Driving them directly with my Manley Steelhead. Not a pop, buzz, hum, "burp" Mark sent them and did not hear from him until I sent him an email. No pressure,No hype! Offered a great price per Reno website and "sweetened it a little." 
I am a 20yr Spectral owner/user; including the Spectral 30SV pre/line amp w/pair of DMA 360s and ALL the required MITCABLES, PCs and conditioners. The 30SV did NOT want to "play well with others " Sent 30SV back (full refund) cancelled order for pair of DMA 400s. Total= &44,000.
To continue this long post; I have the Pass 160s,They are here to stay! The Steelhead directly driving the Pass 160.8s hands down; Equals the Spectral without all the HiFi spectacular. Best bass that I have ever had, midrange to die for, Highs (w/a bit of toe in) are shimmering. Avalons sound like new speakers! Non fatiguing, Great at low, Nornal and Rock Out !!! Volumes. The Spectral sound is good; Maybe I am just ready for a change but tubes and Class A are the winning combo!