Pass Integrated to Pass separates

Hello - I'm considering upgrading my pass int-150 to xp-10 and XA.60.5's (maybe even 100's). The problem I'm facing is my source components aren't the best. I have a vpi scout 2 and a ps audio phone pre, although (this is embarrassing) most of the music I listen to is through sonos. I'm wondering if this upgrade might be pointless and I should instead upgrade my source components first (cd/dac and phono).

One thought I had was to do the upgrade as planned and get an oppo 105 to hold me over until I'm ready for a big boy digital source. The truth in all of this is I'll probably continue to primarily listen through sonos (sorry I love it). What I'm really after is just more of the pass sound, I can't get enough, it's intoxicating. Just wondering if some better quality sources would be more appropriate and I'll get more satisfaction from them alternatively to the pass separates.

I appreciate any advice from the community.

The int-150 is the most worse Pass Labs product the produce. The X150.5 is second worse.

which pre amp you use?
I owned the XP-20 for 2 years. It is a very good pre amp, but not a stunning one. In my opinion Pass Labs make better poweramps than pre amps.
Skyflyer, I feel for you. You're lost in the Bo-zone. It's an part of the sky were high quality power amps only perform at their best with specific high cost cords.

I still think you're on the wrong track with the power amps. I hinted at it earlier and others, including Bo, have pointed out the XP10 may not be a great choice. You would get far greater sonic payback with improvements to your front end components.