Pass Lab, Mark Levinso or JRDG for Avalon Eidolon

Does anybody has any experience with any of the following power amps for Avalon Eidolon

- Pass Lab X600
- Rowland 9, 9T or 9Ti, Model 12, or 302
- Mark Levinson 33
I have heard the Eidolon's but never owned them.

I do own the Rowland Model 12's and in researching these, I found that several people have been very happy with the combination of these speakers with the Model 12 amps.

I can only assume that the 302 and the Eidolon would be a stellar performance.
Depending on accompanying components, you may also want to consider Classe. I am presently using Classe CAM 200's as a temporary substitute for Atma-Sphere MA-2's. Combined with a Jadis preamp the presentation is very musical with little sacrifice in the frequency extremes. I must state that I was expecting a large drop-off in listening pleasure, moving from OTL to solid state, but I have been pleasanly surprised. The CAM's are nice, yet I have read that Classe Omega takes the experience further.
I have a Rowland 302 and Eidolon Diamonds. Been the Levinson route with my Eidolons and didn't match well. The Rowlands offer exceptional perfromance with the Eidolons. Best I've heard with my Eidolons or others.