Pass labs with totems

Has anyone heard this combo? I have heard that they are great with mani 2s but have not heard if pass is good with forests or model 1s.

Second question: Has anyone compared the differences between plinius and pass labs? I am interested in a new amp for totems and I want a dynamic but not to warm amp. Thanks
I'd owned a pair of Arro's for years, powered by several solid state and tube amps.
They always sounded great and easily conveyed improvements in amplification quality.

By circumstance, I aquired a Pass Labs XA60 the day before I sold my Arro's.
I was able to hook them up breifly and they sounded so good together I nearly cried...
I have pass labs aleph 3 driving totem model 1. The sound is simply incredible. The aleph is rated 30 wpc at 8 ohms and 60 wpc at 4 and 2 ohms. I know of a few that are running the same pass amp with the totem model 1. it is loud enough for me in my office/music room. krell may be more dynamic but, I prefer the purity of the midrange of the aleph & totem setup. I have had more powerful amps drive the totems but it did not compare with the combo I have now. The XA.5 series amp will be more dynamic than the older aleph series. I have not heard the mani 2s, you need some watts to run the mani. I'm a big fan of the totem model 1, I run a sub with them.
My experience....
I've run the arro's with an aleph 3 for many years in a variety of rooms, from small (12 x 14) to large size (14 x 22). I was able to get adequate sound levels in all situations, but felt the smaller room really complimented the combo, the larger room would accentuate the lack of low end. The sound quality in a small room was amazing. Pure and transparent. The imaging was totally enveloping. Not just from the plane of the speaker and back, but localized sounds all around me. It's a "you are there" experience, rather than a "they are here" sound. I've used a proceed AVP running in 2 channel mode and then went onto a BAT VK-3i. I preferred the AVP.

I use the ADELPH 3 and first Pass L Pre with a pair of Totem Sky Towers. The pre-amp is -the first incarnation that has adjustable gain via a rocker switch inside. The sound set @ 0db is very natural and believable in all ways. I have tried more sensitive lowther Bicor speakers that I own and much prefer the Totems. There is enough volume as I need in my 26-foot x 20-foot room. All are very enjoyable and the best amplifiers I have owned.