Pass Labs xa - .5 amps

Has anyone compared the new Pass XA-30.5 stereo amp to the XA-60.5 mono amps? Interested to hear your impressions. I am considering one (or two) these for use with my ML Vantage speakers. Thanks.

Bob R.
It appears that a few people on this board are looking for non-commercial bias and honest opinion about how to choose a Pass amplifier. I would suggest that you review messages previously written about Pass XA.5 and X.5 series on this board, find ways to actually audition the amp. before consider buying, and call Pass Lab to get their advice on what amp to get given your existing stereo equipment. I did have to do my homework before buying anything. My few observations and some common sense are that: (1) People who are happy with XA30.5 tend to have smaller speakers; (2) Pass Lab personnel themselves when called upon are too proud to not give you what's right as opposed to what's profitable to them; (3) Class A amplifiers will heat up and will require some warming up time if you want good sound, but at least the XA60.5 of mine don't burn your hand like some other amp. would have; (4) All amp. regarding classification will go into clipping if you drive them that hard, but why would anybody want an amp. under-rated for the rest of their equipment? I can only tell you that the XA60.5 can certainly run enough full-size speakers, along with previously mentioned perks. As to the XA30.5, you must do your own homework, and especially don't just listen to anybody.
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Mozvz, I responded earlier when you asked about the CJ ACT 2s synergy with the Pass. In a word, wonderful.

With the 100.5's on the Maggies now, I moved the 30.5 into my home office as an experiment. I've had the Cain and Cain Super Abbys in there for several years now and always got the best out of them with tube amps, especially SET's. The Abbys are a single driver/no crossover/fostex kind of speaker. Solid state made them sound hard and actually lose bass. Pass Labs and Mark at Renohifi both thought the 30.5 would pair nicely. I didn't think so. I was wrong. I'm listening to them now as I type. In three words: beautiful, relaxed and detailed. The XA30.5 is really a sweet amp.

Based on what you've said so far, I think you would be very happy with it.

Couple of technical points:

When switched on, it draws a little less than 200 watts from the wall. It does not heat up my office.

In standby, it draws just a few.
Standby generates no heat but keeps the caps charged so warm up is much faster.

Your CJ has a 12v trigger that can be wired to the Pass's trigger. Turning the CJ on turns the Pass on with no thumps or pops, always a concern with tube preamps.

Let us know what you decide. Good luck.
FWIW, Pass recommends balanced connections with their gear, c-j has never offered balanced connections.
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