Pass Labs

$85.000 & 65.000 Amps  The extreme high gone nuts
Tubegroover and Charles - both well put.

I don't disagree with a lot of what you say, but this back pedaling on environmental and sustainability progress is my major bone of contention with what bigkidz elaborated in his post. We can ignore the problems we know of at our peril. Not to mention the economic advantage of being a leader in these fields.. As we step back, China stands to gain in terms of global leadership and economic clout with regards to sustainable tech. The rest of the world is still moving ahead in these areas, whether we do or not.

Imagine the human race as a colony of bacteria on a petri plate.  the agar it feeds on is the earth.  we "know" what we have to do for our
long term survival but we don't have the will, even with the lives of our
children at stake.  We don't have the will because we are in a race to see
who gets to consume the most agar while there's still some left.
     We have the intelligence and the technology to lead wonderful fulfilling lives, and yet we are still living in a feudal society where only the few, the "entrepreneurs" get to live like kings.  We refuse to modernize
our social systems so that everyone can get a good education and
find out what they really want to do with their lives, and then have the opportunity to do it.  
     As for Pass equipment, it's not as "pretty" as some foreign makes,
but it sounds awfully good (IMHO) compared to just about anything out there.  You do NOT have to spend a lot of money to experience this.
I.E. take the little Aleph-3 (class-A, 30wpch) which goes for (about) $1.5K.  It can drive a great number of speakers and sounds wonderful.
Honestly it gets better than this- but (really) not all that much.
If you don't have a lot of money, then you don't really have to worry about it.  
I respect you as well Charles, always well reasoned and respectful, more of what is required. The only thing that has changed over the past 8 years is the total unwillingness to compromise. There is one thing I really am not sure that you recognize or acknowledge Charles is the factor that "money" has come into the equation ("Citizens vs United"). We are truly being brainwashed by both sides. Now who is doing a better job is open to debate and subject to the philosophical perspectives that you assign to each of us.

PS I feel as Bigkidz but he a bit right of center me a bit left. To a far leaning right winger, I’m a "flaming liberal" to a far leaning leftest I’d probably be considered a traitor. See what I mean Charles, the divide I mean, how do we start talking to each other again?

I HEAR you Toddverrone and could not agree MORE! There are much more important issues in the big picture of our future and we better wake up soon!
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