Pass X1 and Rowland Capri Preamps

if you've owned or heard both of these preamps, i'd love to hear your impressions of how they compare. i'm looking for a pre and have narrowed it down to these two, however, haven't seen any comparisons that mention how they sound.
Capri: I listen alot of instruments, clasical, and jazz and I am so in love with the Capri especially when Analysis Plus cables are in use.
-Clean, detail, and moving are its main characteristic.
-Won't be polite and lay back as many other Pre's.

I haven't heard any of Pass Pre yet but if 1 day I mainly listen to vocals or want a fuller body sound, I will probably consider Bat, Mark Levinson, Plinius before I get to the Pass Pre.
Keep us posted on how u like the Pass Pre and what's its characteristic will be like. Best

My sys:
- CDP: Meridian.
- Pre: JR Capri
- Amp: JR 102 (100w, D-class)
- Spks: Sonus Faber Grand Piano
XP series is warm and full, IMHO. Mark at Reno says it has a "rolled off lower end" but I wouldn't characterize it as such--I have plenty high end extension--it's just that the soundstage is so danged well defined and solid. Each instrument has it's own distinct line and presence, yet it all falls together musically, with the XP10.
I have a X1 driving a Krell 300cx, nirvana indeed! In my second system I use a Esoteric D-07X driving JR 201 mono blocks, I'm about to buy a Capri (if I can find one) and intend trying it with my 300cx... stay tuned