Pass X250.5 with XP-10 or Aesthetix Calypso ?

Just purchased a pass X250.5. Not sure if I should upgrade to a XP-10 or keep the Aesthetix Calypso. Not sure if I want ot stay with tubes with this amp.

I would like to here everybodys OPINION.


I own the X250.5 and the XP-10. I run the Aesthetix Rhea phono stage and it's superb with the Pass gear! Tubes + Aesthetix = solid winner in my system!
I used to have the Aesthetix Janus and got to try it with a Pass 250.5. It was a very good sounding combination. Why aren't you sure you want to use tubes? My impression of the Janus was that it didn't have the sound typically associated with tube preamps, and was very neutral. Obviously this is tube dependent too.
Thanks for the responses.

I just feel I had enough with tubes and trying different ones to find the best sound. I would realy like to give the pass XP-10 a try. So I plain on ordering one on Monday.
Thanks again everyone for your input.


You will not be disappointed with the XP-10. It is one of the most transparent pre's that I have ever owned. My only complaint is that you can regulate the volume max levels on each imput. I understand the maze of trying different tubes. It took me some time to come up with the proper blend in the Rhea. I'm sure you'll be extremely happy with the XP-10! Enjoy !!!