pass x250.5/xp10VSmcintosh MA7000VSClasse cap2100

Thoughts suggestions on these 3 pieces? I listen to a very wide variety of music from classical/synth, classic rock, country, to 80s hair band stuff/modern metal. Sound quality/soundstaging, overall build quality/longevity is most important. Would like to reach concert/reference levels when called upon. After demoing many speakers ive also come down to 3 choices. Dynaudio focus 340, paradigms signature S6 version3, or b&w 803D. Let me know what you think. Speakers or electronics. The source would likely go with the electronics (mcintosh mcd501/301, classe cdp 201, or for pass Id consider doing a macintosh computer/dac. Any ideas thoughts are welcome. Subs will be be 2x JL F110 or possibly 112. Thanks again guys!!
Well, you can get high quality cd/sacd players for not too much money I would have both sacd/cd and computer audio.
Not perfect advice here, but I have compared a Pass X250.5 to a MC402 and the Pass killed the Mac. I actually ended up preferring an XA-30.5 to the X250.5 (by a considerable margin) even despite having speakers that people say shouldn't be driven by the 30.5 (Thiel 2.4s).
W7 to answer your question, I have some tube preamps (Audio Research LS-16mkII and Cary SLP-98 F1) and an older Forte solid state preamp that I rotate in an out. The Forte provides by far superior bass performance over the tube units, and I am sure that the XP-10 would be a step up from my Forte. Go for it! If you need to buy the XP-10 at the same time, you might want to consider one of their fine integrated amps which receive excellent reviews. Enjoy...