Pass X600 or VTL 450 Mono's for Magnepan

Greetings, what is best for drive 3.6R - Both similar price used, much expensive but OK if sound great. My wife make a turd when I tell her price, but somethings more important than 20 year marraige.

I enjoy tube amps but I feel power is the main thing with maggies, thus my nod would be for the pass. I would suggest looking into the Classe Omega, for similar(if not less money) I know this amp is a superb amp for magnepan speakers(assuming it is the latest and greatest model).
Now if your Wife only laid Golden Eggs, instead of Turds? You will need power to move them, 600 wpc will do the trick. I have heard them with as little as a Pass X250, & they sound great! I also hope your Wife doesn't read your threads to see what your priorities in life are? Good Luck!
I just bought a pir of Mcintosh 501 monos for my Maggie 3.3Rs. Bi-amped (via the autoformers), they sounded quite excellent. You should give them a listen