Pass X600 or VTL 450 Mono's for Magnepan

Greetings, what is best for drive 3.6R - Both similar price used, much expensive but OK if sound great. My wife make a turd when I tell her price, but somethings more important than 20 year marraige.

I just bought a pir of Mcintosh 501 monos for my Maggie 3.3Rs. Bi-amped (via the autoformers), they sounded quite excellent. You should give them a listen
The VTL's are not maintenance free. Sonically, the are good, but if a tube goes you will have to replace a resistor and maybe more.

The Pass X600 is an excellent choice although resale is quite low. Sonically the amp is a little on the lean and cool side, but actually sounds very good on the Maggie's.

I would agree with Tiredude to also consider the Classe Omega or Omicron.
Thank you dear friends for advice. Mr. Campbel I like also idea of Mac 501, good review in magazines.
Surprised that recommend transistor over tube, but good advice I believe.
Mr. Audiobug my wife ok really, make face like camel when see speaker, but sometimes camel is better than nothing when long in desert.
jtinn, not sure where this loose a tube replace a resister thing has come form...i've heard it a couple of times. A near lightning strike wook out 2 tubes and the B+ fuses in my 185's....swapped em out and kept on ticking. I have about 5 yrs in the tubes averaging about 10-20 hrs a week and they are just now sounding real bad.

I like the sound of the pass for a ss amp but i like the tubes better.
Very Funny Mr. Punkawalla! Camel also carry heavy amplifiers with no problem :0)~