Pass XA30.5 enough power for Wilson Sophia 2?

I was wondering about this combo. I have a very large room. Personally I dont think it's enough power but what do you guys think?
It will certainly work, but IMHO, way under powered for those speakers in a large room.
I have a very large room and I'm not going to tell anybody the dimensions! And certainly not in cubic feet. Nor am I going to state in decibels the SPL I normally listen at. Nope, I'm just not going to tell anybody that info.
Nickt...I suspect the XA30.5 will do fine driving the Sophia 2s. They are 88db sensitivity and 4ohm nominal rated speaker. The Sophia's do dip down to 3.26ohms at 220Hz but the phase angle is low at that frequency so that shouldn't be too hard to drive. Brian Damkroger of Stereophile reviewed the XA30.5s and drove Sophia 2s with them. The one thing he did point out is a slight lack of macro dynamics with this combo. So I don't think you will have a tough time driving the speakers but they will probably not get the last ounce of macro dynamics from the Sophia 2s, which are very dynamic speakers when properly powered. Here is the Stereophile review of the XA30.5:
My speakers are Focal Electra 1037BE. They are more efficient than Sophia at 93dB/W/m. I often turn up the music to +90dB in 15 x 20 room without any problem. The needle that indicates bias current rarely moves past 12 o'clock position.