Passive pre-amp any good???

I have a Air Tight ATM-4, like to match this with a good /budget pre amp, need some advise,

I have the Air Tight ATL-10A passive pre-amp and Pass Lab L passive amp like to try, but any one use those pre-amp before/comment??

Any other suggestion??, Is the passive pre-amp any good??, Why some people like the passive pre-amp?? or the REGULAR pre-amp wuill be better??

Thanks a lot.
I cannot say what will match good with an Air Tight,but I had an FT Audio Passive which was one of the finest pieces I had ever owned.

You will notice a greater transparency when going theough your collection. It was as if another layering of info was revealed.

Highly recommended! There are plenty of good manfs. of Passives and I plan on building one to use in a reference system for design work as it's the best way of knowing what is being revealed when changes are made.

Check with Paul Lam of FT Audio and tell him Larry of NEAR SOTA Cables recommeneded you talk to him.

Good luck!

You can also put one together with Ratshack parts to see weather one is for you before investing alot of $$ for one.

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