Hey Oz...yup I'm looking forward too it myself! I've found one owner of the Promitheus TVC that has compared it against a Bent Audio. From his post they sound about the same too him.
I'll see and hear for myself thanks to a nice audiophile friend who has many audio toys. If they do come up fairly equal..the Promitheus will be one of the best bargains in HiFi. For $280 plus $60 shipping it has shamed all the actives or resistive passives I've played with period.
The only resistive passive I've compared the Promethius too lately, has been the Noble pot in my integrated. It's not even close. The Noble pot isn't bad by any means. When compared to the TVC. It sounds out of focus and instruments and voices suffer from slight loss of depth and separation. Also the sound doesn't flow into the room as with the TVC.
What TVC have you tried in your system Jsadurni?
Another owner of this unit. Just posted a small review on another site yesterday of the Promitheus against the Luminous Audio passive Axiom noble pot/shunt and a AVI active preamp. Again the little unit came out on top in his system as well. I think the AVI is a $2800 active preamp. So if you only consider cost as premium sound ..you maybe in for a surprise. ;-)
I may try to compare it against a Bryston BP6 in a few days. From memory of hearing the Bryston active last week..it doesn't stand a chance.LOL
I'll see and hear for myself thanks to a nice audiophile friend who has many audio toys. If they do come up fairly equal..the Promitheus will be one of the best bargains in HiFi. For $280 plus $60 shipping it has shamed all the actives or resistive passives I've played with period.
The only resistive passive I've compared the Promethius too lately, has been the Noble pot in my integrated. It's not even close. The Noble pot isn't bad by any means. When compared to the TVC. It sounds out of focus and instruments and voices suffer from slight loss of depth and separation. Also the sound doesn't flow into the room as with the TVC.
What TVC have you tried in your system Jsadurni?
Another owner of this unit. Just posted a small review on another site yesterday of the Promitheus against the Luminous Audio passive Axiom noble pot/shunt and a AVI active preamp. Again the little unit came out on top in his system as well. I think the AVI is a $2800 active preamp. So if you only consider cost as premium sound ..you maybe in for a surprise. ;-)
I may try to compare it against a Bryston BP6 in a few days. From memory of hearing the Bryston active last week..it doesn't stand a chance.LOL