Passive Pre Recommendations

I have a Wright Sound WLA12A LS, the Wright Sound WPP 200 phono with their MC step up. Present cartridge is Shelter 901, This all goes into Morrow 300B amps that have a sensitivity of.25 V driving a BLH 98db eff speaker by KCS

I looking for I think a passive pre or one with lower gain than the WLA12A which has either 20db or 12db gain. With it on the 12db setting I can hardly go past 9:00 on volume control. I also have FI 2A3 monos that are.5 V which I can go to 10:30 on volume before it is two loud.

Any suggestions on a passive or other that would work. How about the Marchand?
Gbslps, take a look at my recent review here on the GON on the Bent Tap passive, which includes a comparison with the other very highly regarded passive the Placette, for alot of information you might find very helpful.
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As Bob said, a pair of inexpensive Rothwell in-line attenuators will remedy your "too much gain" issue and provide much more usable range on your volume control. This is a quick, easy and inexpensive solution.


I think that I am the fourth to recommend the Placette Passive Preamp. Maybe we are trying to tell you something. If the preamp gets loud too fast, Guy will add an extra resistor to put your normal listening range at the mid point at no extra cost. Anyway you look at it, the sound of this preamp will be completely transparent.